It’s time to do some yoga! In this section, you’ll find all the key postures you need to create a regular yoga practice. These classic poses are designed to stretch, tone and strengthen your body while clearing and calming your mind. Each pose also has specific body benefits, from toning your belly and bottom to sculpting your arms or strengthening your legs. Read the step-by-step instructions and tips for each posture before trying it. Then, once
you’ve learnt the moves, you can start to tailor your practice, selecting the best postures for your goals.
#Mountain pose
l Stand with your feet together or hip-width apart. Keep your feet parallel. l Spread your toes and root yourself into the floor, ensuring your weight is evenly balanced between each foot. Draw your ankles away from each other to lift your inner arches. l Keep your knees above your ankles and your pelvis over your knees. Lengthen your tailbone down towards the floor to straighten your spine. l Engage your core, release your shoulders down your spine and lift your chest. l Extend your arms down by your sides, fingertips pointing down. l Relax your shoulders and jaw and lengthen the back of your neck. l As you inhale, gently lengthen through the crown of your head and let any tension in your body release (A). Stay here for five to 10 breaths.
Prayer hands (B) l Bring your hands to your chest, palms together, fingertips pointing upwards and elbows down. Gently press your palms together. Release and lengthen the back of your neck.
*TIP Challenge your balance
by practising this pose 38 with your eyes closed!
➩ Improves your posture
➩ Tones your legs and bottom
➩ Calms your mind
#Extended mountain pose
l Begin in Mountain pose (opposite), keeping your weight evenly balanced on each foot. Breathe evenly. l Turn your palms outwards, inhale and lift your arms out to the sides and up towards the ceiling until they are parallel. l Keeping your shoulders relaxed and down, gently extend through your hands (A). l Stay here for five deep breaths. l On an exhale, gently release your arms back down to your sides.
*VARIATION Extended mountain side stretch (B) l From Extended mountain pose, root through your feet and lengthen your spine. l Exhale and gently draw your arms over to your left side, feeling a gentle stretch in your right side. Don’t let your torso come forwards, even if it means only moving a few inches. l Take a couple of breaths here, then repeat on the other side.
*TIP To deepen the stretch as you bend
to the left, press your right foot into the floor and vice versa.
➩ Deepens your breath
➩ Stretches your side body
➩ Energises your mind
➩ Tones your arms
#Standing forward bend
l From Mountain pose (p38), inhale and lift your arms up over your head. l Exhale, bend your knees slightly and fold forwards from your hips. Gently relax your body down towards the floor. l Place your hands next to your feet (A). If your hands don’t touch the floor, bend your knees a little to aid the stretch. l Take five to 10 breaths here. On each exhale, relax further down, really letting go of your upper body. l To come out of the pose, inhale and slowly roll upwards, uncurling your spine, one vertebra at a time, until you’re upright.
*A Standing half forward bend
From Standing forward bend (A), press your palms into the floor beside your feet.inhale straighten your elbows and lift your torso up away from your thighs. Now, pushing your palms down against the floor, lift your breast bone up and forwards, looking forwards. Hold for a few breaths and release back down.
To help relieve tension, fold your
arms as you bend over and let your head hang loosely. Try bending
your knees and shaking your head..
➩ Provides deep relaxation for your mind and body
➩ Stretches and strengthens your legs
➩ Stretches your spine
l From Mountain pose (p38), root your right foot into the ground and transfer your weight into your right leg. l Keeping a slight bend in your right knee, place the sole of your left foot against the inner side of your right thigh. To help you balance, focus your eyes on a point straight ahead of you. l Press the sole of your left foot into your right thigh and turn your knee out to the side, keeping your tailbone towards the floor and core engaged. l Lift out of your waist and up through your crown, keeping your shoulders relaxed and your chest lifted. Slowly bring your hands to Prayer position (A). l Take a few breaths here. l If you feel balanced, slowly raise your hands overhead until they are parallel and hold for five breaths (B). l Exhale and gently lower your hands and foot to the start position. Repeat on the other side.
Ifyou’re a beginner, you can place your foot on your calfto begin with.
➩ Opens your hips and shoulders
➩ Stretches your inner thighs
➩ Improves your balance and focus
#Extended hand-to-toe pose
l From Mountain pose (p38), transfer your weight into your right foot, spreading your toes and rooting into the floor. l Slowly bring your left knee in towards your stomach. Reach down and place a strap around the ball of your left foot, holding the ends in your left hand. Place your right hand on your right hip. l Engage your core, lift up through your crown and relax your shoulders. When you feel ready, inhale and extend your left leg forwards, straightening your knee as much as possible. l If you feel balanced, slowly swing your left leg out to the side, using the strap as a support. Breathe steadily to help you balance. Don’t worry if your leg is bent, this will improve with practice. l Take a few deep breaths here, extending through your left arm and leg. l Exhale and lower your hands and foot. Pause, then repeat on the other side.
*Prop: Yoga strap
*TIP Once you have mastered
this move, practise the pose without using a strap,
taking your foot out with your hand.
➩ Strengthens your legs
➩ Stretches the backs of your legs
➩ Improves your balance
l Stand in Mountain pose (p38) with your feet hip-width apart. l Inhale and lift your arms over your head to Extended mountain pose (A) l As you exhale, bend your knees deeply, as if you’re sitting down into a chair, until your thighs are almost parallel to the floor. Don’t let your knees project over your toes. l Look straight ahead, relax your shoulders and engage your core by drawing your belly button to your spine. Lengthen your spine and extend through to your fingertips. Keep your neck in line with your spine (B). l Take five breaths, lengthening through to your fingertips on an inhale, sinking deeper on each exhale. l To come out of the pose straighten your legs. Repeat three times.
*Make it dynamic!
To up the challenge, try this dynamic version of
Chair. With each breath, move from Extended mountain pose into Chair, then into Standing forward bend (p40) and back to Extended mountain pose. Repeat five times.
To increase the toning effect, make your squat deeper.
➩ Tones your legs and thighs
➩ Firms your bottom
➩ Stretches your shoulders and chest
➩ Strengthens your legs and spine
#Chair twist
l From Chair (p43), bring your hands into prayer position at your chest, then inhale and lengthen your spine. l As you exhale, twist to the right and bring your left elbow to rest against your outer right thigh. l Press your palms together and lever your left arm against your right thigh to deepen the twist, ensuring your knees remain aligned. Turn your gaze to the sky. Take a few breaths here. l Return to Chair, then repeat the move on the other side.
This pose tones your internal organs, improving your digestive system, and aiding detoxification.
l Begin in Mountain pose (p38) with your feet slightly apart and hands by your sides. l Root yourself through your feet and breathe evenly. l When you feel grounded, shift your weight onto your right foot, bend your right knee and place your left thigh over your right thigh, then wrap your left shin behind your right calf, pointing your toes down. l Press the four corners of your right foot into the ground and gaze at a fixed spot ahead of you, to help you balance. You can bring your palms together here (A). l Inhale and stretch your arms out in front of you. Exhale and cross your arms, right elbow on top of the left (so your right arm is on top), then wrap your right forearm around your left to bring your palms together. l Bring your forearms to vertical, draw your shoulder blades down your back and feel the stretch across your upper arms and back (B). l Take several deep breaths here. On each inhalation, press your palms together and lift your elbows up a little further. On each exhalation lower your bottom a little. Breathe deeply into your belly to help you stay focused and balanced. l On an exhale, uncurl your body and return to Mountain pose. Relax and then repeat on the other side.
*TIP Beginners can practise first with arms only, then legs, before putting both parts together.
➩ Stretches the backs of your arms and shoulders
➩ Tones and strengthens your inner thighs
➩ Boosts your concentration
➩ Improves your balance
l Begin in Mountain pose (p38). Step your feet a leg’s-length apart. Turn your left foot out 90 degrees and your right foot in 15 degrees. l Root your body through both feet and breathe evenly. l Now inhale and extend your arms out to shoulder height, keeping your torso and hips facing forwards (A). l Exhale and extend your left hand outwards as far as you can, before bringing
it down to rest on your left calfor ankle. l Inhale and lift your right arm up to the ceiling, rotating your chest so your right shoulder is above your left shoulder and your arms create a straight line from floor to ceiling. If it doesn’t strain your neck, you can look up towards your right arm (B). Otherwise, look straight ahead or down to your left hand. l Breathe deeply into the pose, drawing your left hip forwards and your right hip back and lengthen your tailbone towards your left foot, to deepen the stretch. l Stay in the pose for up to 10 breaths. l When you’re ready to come out of the pose, inhale and press down through your feet to come up to standing. Exhale to lower your arms and step your feet together. Pause and then repeat on the other side.
Ifyou feel unsteady or your torso is leaning forwards, practise
against a wall.
➩ Tones your waist
➩ Lengthens and strengthens your legs ➩ Tones your shoulders and chest
➩ Improves your digestion
#Reverse triangle
l From Mountain pose (p38), step your feet a little less than a leg’s-length apart with your left leg behind. l Turn your right foot out to 90 degrees and your left foot to 45 degrees. Square your hips to face the right. Inhale and lift your left arm over your head (A). l Keeping your hips steady, root your feet through the ground, exhale and bend forwards from your hips, extending your torso out over your right leg. l Bring your left hand down to rest on the outside of your right shin or ankle, or on a block on the floor beside your right foot, if it’s easier. Lift your right hand and twist your torso to look up to this hand (B). l Lengthen your torso away from your hips, and draw your right hip slightly back and your left hip slightly forwards, to increase the stretch. l Remain in the pose for five to 10 deep breaths. l When you’re ready, bend your left leg to come back up. Rest, then repeat on the other side.
Finding it hard to balance? Try practising against a wall until you feel confident.
➩ Tones the back of your legs, thighs and calves
➩ Builds mentalstrength
➩ Stretches your hips
➩ Improves your balance
l Start in Triangle (p46) (A) then place a block about a foot in front of your left foot. l Inhale and extend your right arm to the ceiling, bend your left leg and slide your right foot towards your left. l Raise your right leg behind you, parallel to the floor. If needed, rest your right arm on your hip to help you balance. l Keeping your foot flexed and facing forwards, bring your left hand down to rest on the block. Turn your head to look upwards, or if it strains your neck, keep looking straight ahead or slightly down (B). l Engage your core and right thigh to help you balance. Hold for five breaths. l To release, bend your left leg slightly and lower your right leg back to the floor. Rest, then repeat on the other side.
*Make it challenging!
Once you feel confident with the pose, try performing it without the brick to increase the stretch, challenge your balance and build muscle.
*TIP Practise against a wall until your balance improves..
➩ Strengthens your core and thighs
➩ Tones your bottom
➩ Stretches your chest
➩ Improves your digestion
#High lunge
l From Mountain pose (p38), step your left leg back one leg’s-length to rest on the ball of your foot. Straighten your left leg and keep your right knee over your right ankle. l Rest your hands on your right knee to help you balance (A). l Ground through your feet and move your right hip back and your left hip forwards to keep your pelvis level. l Engage your core, then on an inhale, lengthen your torso, draw your shoulder blades down your back and stretch your arms up overhead (B). l Breathe evenly into your belly. On each exhalation, sink deeper into the lunge. l Stay in the pose for up to 10 breaths. When you’re ready to come out, press down on your right foot, then release your arms and step your back foot forwards. Pause, then repeat on the other side.
*ARIATION Prayer twist (C) To tone your waist and strengthen your legs, from position (A) root through your feet, lift your torso, and bring your hands together in Prayer. Lengthen your spine and twist to your right to take your left elbow outside your right knee. Stretch through your spine and press your thigh and upper arm into each other. Breathe into your belly for up to five breaths. Pause. Repeat on the other side.
Protect your knees by not bending them
further than 90 degrees.
➩ Tones your inner and outer thighs
➩ Firms your belly and strengthens your core
➩ Energises your mind
➩ Stretches your hips
l Begin in Standing forward bend (p40). l Inhale and step your left leg back, placing the top of your foot and knee on the floor and your hands on your right knee (A). Keep your right knee over your ankle and lift the inner arch of your right foot. l Inhale, tuck your tailbone under, square your hips and draw your abdominals in. l Exhale, sink into your hips, draw your shoulder blades down and lift your arms over your head, joining your palms l Open your chest and draw your shoulders, tailbone and hips down.
Root the front of your right foot into the floor for support. l Lengthen your neck, looking forwards. If you are at advanced level, you can take your head back a little (B). l Take five to 10 deep breaths. l To exit, bring your hands to the floor and step your left leg to your right, back into Standing forward bend. l Repeat on the other side.
To protect your knees rest your back knee on a folded blanket.
➩ Tones your inner and outer thighs
➩ Stretches your thigh muscles
➩ Opens your hips
➩ Works your core
#Warrior 1
l Start in Mountain pose (p38), with your feet hip-distance apart. l Inhale and step your right leg back a leg’s-distance, keeping your right foot flat and turned out to 45 degrees, and your left foot facing straight ahead. l Square your hips towards the front by drawing your left hip back and your right hip slightly forwards. l Inhale and raise your arms over your head, keeping them parallel. Relax your shoulders and have your palms facing each other. Keep looking straight ahead. l Exhale and bend your left knee to 90 degrees, directly over your ankle and sink your hips down. l Root through your feet and lift your inner arches, feeling a stretch in your inner thigh. l Hold for five to 10 deep breaths. When you’re ready to come out of the pose, inhale, then exhale and press down into your right foot to come up. Pause then repeat on the other side.
Draw in your abs and lengthen your
tailbone to straighten your back.
➩ Strengthens your core
➩ Sculpts your arms and shoulders
➩ Tones and strengthens your legs and bottom
#Warrior 2
l Starting in Mountain pose (p38), step your left leg forwards so your feet are a little wider than a leg’s-distance apart. Turn your right foot out 90 degrees and your left foot in 15 degrees, keeping your torso facing forwards. l Inhale and extend your arms out parallel to the floor, palms facing down. Extend your fingers and slide your shoulders down your back. Lengthen your tailbone down and engage your core so your back doesn’t arch. l On an exhale, bend your left knee over your ankle to make a right angle. Lift your inner arches, root down through the outer edges of your feet and engage the back of your thighs to stabilise you. l Turn your head to gaze along your left arm. l Hold the pose for five to 10 deep breaths. Then inhale, straighten your left leg and repeat on the other side.
Draw in your abs and lengthen your
tailbone to straighten your back.
➩ Strengthens your core
➩ Sculpts your arms and shoulders
➩ Tones and strengthens your legs and bottom
#Warrior 3
l Begin in Extended mountain pose (p39) (A). l Step forwards onto your left foot, rooting the sole of your left foot into the floor and lifting your inner arch. When you feel grounded, shift your weight into your left leg. l Exhale and lift your right leg straight back behind you, simultaneously tilting your torso and arms forwards. Keep your core engaged and rotate your right thigh externally to help keep your hips level. l Engage the thigh muscles of your left leg and point your right toes downwards. l Continue tilting your torso forwards until your arms are straight in front ofyou and parallel to the floor, with your palms facing each other. Your arms should create a straight line with your head, torso and raised leg. Imagine your leg and arm are stretching in opposite directions (B). l Take five to 10 breaths here. Then, inhale, step back to Mountain pose (p38) and repeat on the other side.
*TIP Contract your abs to work your core
and help you balance.
➩ Tones your waist
➩ Strengthens your legs and ankles
➩ Firms your hips and bottom
#Extended side angle pose
l Start in Mountain pose (p38), with your feet hip-distance apart, your left foot out 90 degrees and your right foot turned in 15 degrees. l Inhale and stretch your arms out to your sides, parallel to the floor, palms facing down (A). l Exhale and bend your left knee to a right angle with your knee directly over your left ankle. l Inhale and extend your torso over your left thigh, taking care not to fold forwards. Place your hand on your knee or on the floor to help you balance. l Now exhale and extend your right arm up over your head and open your chest to look up at your arm (B). l Engage your core, press your left knee against your left arm and root down into the outer edge of your back foot, to help you balance. l Take 10 deep breaths here. Then repeat on the other leg.
To avoid injury, don’t let your knee
turn inwards when bent at a right angle.
➩ Tones your outer thighs
➩ Opens your chest
➩ Stretches your shoulders and hips
#Standing bow A
l Begin in Mountain pose (p38) with your feet hip-distance apart and settle your breath. l Once you feel balanced, inhale and shift your weight onto your left foot. l Lift your right leg up behind you, picking up your right foot with your right hand, holding it on the outside edge. (Once you get used to the pose you can hold your foot from e instep). Point your toes upwards. l Lift your left arm up to the sky (A). l Now kick your right leg up and back and stretch up through your left hand towards the ceiling. l Exhale, slowly bringing your spine down, stretching forwards until your navel is parallel to the floor. Keep your right hip down to square your pelvis (B). l Hold the pose for up to 10 breaths then lower your leg gently to the floor, releasing your arm. l Pause to ground yourself and repeat on the other side.
➩ Stretches your chest
and shoulders
➩ Tones your legs and bottom
➩ Boosts your circulation
➩ Activates your digestion
Ifyou can’t reach to hold your foot use a strap.
Prop: Strap (optional)
#Wide-legged standing forward fold.
l Step your feet wide apart, keeping them parallel. Spread your toes, lift your inner arches and root through the outer edges of your feet. l With your hands on your hips, inhale and lengthen your spine out of your waist. On an exhale, fold forwards from your hips with a flat back. l When your spine is parallel to the floor, place your hands on the mat, shoulderwidth apart, your fingers forwards. l On each inhale, lengthen your spine, on each exhale, fold a little deeper, lowering the crown of your head to the floor. As your head gets close to the mat, move your hands between your feet, fingers spread wide and forearms vertical. Let your neck relax down (A). l Take five to 10 deep breaths, keeping your neck relaxed. l Now inhale, straighten your back and look forwards. l Exhale, bring your hands to your hips. Inhale, press your feet into the ground, engage your core and come up to standing.
For a deeper stretch, contract your thigh
muscles which helps release your hamstrings.
*Add a challenge!
For an intense side
stretch, from (A) walk your hands to your right foot, stretching the left side of your back. Take five deep breaths, then walk your hands to your left foot and hold for another five breaths.
➩ Calmsyour mind
➩ Tones your abs
➩ Strengthens and stretches your legs
l From Mountain pose (A), take a large step back with your left leg. Keeping your right foot in place, pivot on your left heel so your foot is at a 45-degree angle. l Spread your toes and root through the outer edge of your left foot. Lift your inner arches. l With your hands on your hips, bring your left hip forwards and your right hip back, so your pelvis is facing the front. l Draw your inner thighs towards each other to help you balance. Inhale and root down as you lengthen your spine. l Exhale and slowly begin to fold forwards over your right leg, keeping your back flat to start, lengthening and lowering as far as is comfortable, taking your hands to your lower leg or the floor (B). l Stay here for five to 10 breaths, reathing evenly through your nose. l When you’re ready, root through your feet and inhale to return to standing, then exhale to step your feet together. l Pause for a moment, then repeat on the other side.
Beginners – you can place a block either side ofyour front foot to rest your hands on.
➩ Calms your mind
➩ Improves your breathing
➩ Develops your balance
l Stand in Mountain pose (p38) with your feet hip-distance apart, slightly turned out. Inhale and place your hands in Prayer (A). l On an exhalation, gently bend your knees, as if lowering yourself into a chair. l Keeping your chest and shoulders open and your knees apart, lower your hips further down until your torso is between your knees. l Turn your feet out, so your knees are over your toes, then lower your heels, taking your feet as far apart as needed to sink your heels into the ground. l Lift your hands into Prayer position and let your tailbone release to the mat. l Press your palms together as you root through your feet, and push your upper arms into your inner thighs and your thighs into your arms (B). l Draw your shoulder blades down your back and let your chest expand. Relax your face muscles and take five to 10 deep breaths into your belly. l When you’re ready to come out of the pose, release your hands and lower your body onto the floor.
For a relaxing stretch, from (B), wrap your forearms around the outside of your shins gently
clasping your hands behind you, and let your head hang forwards for 20 breaths.
Ifyour heels don’t touch the floor, place a folded blanket beneath them to support you.
➩ Tones your abs and thighs
➩ Stretches your lower back
➩ Loosens your hips
l Start on all fours with your hands shoulder-width apart, directly beneath your shoulders. Spread your fingers, root your hands into the floor and straighten your elbows without locking them. l Step your feet back, resting on the balls of your feet and straighten your legs to create a diagonal line from the crown of your head to your heels. Tuck your chin in to keep your neck long (A). l Engage your core, draw your navel to your spine and spread your shoulder blades apart. l Breathe evenly for up to 10 breaths – don’t hold your breath! l When you’re ready, exhale and gently lower yourself to the floor.
*MAKE IT EASIER l If you find the pose challenging, start on your knees and the tops of your toes, and build your strength up gradually.
*Make it dynamic!
Increase your calorie burn and work your core with these
two challenging variations on the classic Plank pose.
Knee outside elbow (B)
Starting in Plank (A), inhale and bring your right knee to the outside of your right arm, touching your elbow. Pause, exhale and return to Plank.
Repeat with your left leg. Alternate for 30 seconds. Toe taps (C)
Starting in Plank (A), engage your core and step your right foot out to the side. Tap your toes on the floor and return to the start position. Pause and repeat with your left leg. Alternate for 30 seconds.
➩ Tones your abs, bottom and arms
➩ Strengthens your whole body
➩ Builds your stamina
#Plank to push-up
l From Plank (A), engage your core, drawing your navel into your spine. l Exhale and, maintaining the alignment of Plank and keeping your abs tight, bend your arms and slowly lower your body down (B). l Inhale and come back up to Plank. Hold for one breath and then repeat the push-up. l Repeat this 10 times. Rest for a moment and repeat. l Beginners can keep their knees on the floor (p59) for the push-up and then straighten into Plank.
As you lower into push-up, keep in one line and only come down as far
as you can without your head dipping..
➩ Increases your heart rate
➩ Burns calories
➩ Strengthens your upper body
➩ Tones your core
#Side plank
l Begin in Plank (A). l Press your left hand into the floor and roll onto the outside edge of your left foot. l Exhale and stack your right ankle, hip and shoulder over your left ankle, hip and shoulder, balancing on your left hand and the outer edge of your left foot.l Keep your left arm under your left shoulder, and press your left hand into the floor. l Engage your core and keep the left side of your body lifted and strong, raising your hips. l Inhale and lift up your right arm, open your chest and look straight ahead. Breathe evenly. If you feel comfortable, open your chest and lift your head to look up towards your right hand (B). l Take five to 10 deep breaths. Then come down, rest and repeat on the other side.
*TIP Ifthe pose is too challenging, start on your knees
and the tops ofyour toes, and build up.
➩ Tones your waist
➩ Firms your bottom and outer thighs
➩ Builds your strength
➩ Improves your stamina
#Downward facing dog
l Start on all fours, knees beneath your hips, hands under your shoulders, fingers spread (A). l Tuck your toes under. Straighten your arms and raise your knees up off the mat, taking your hips back and up. l Ground through your hands to extend your spine and draw your shoulder blades down your back. Rotate your upper arms outwards. Draw in your abdominals and relax your head to look at your belly. l Straighten your legs, press your thigh bones back and point your tailbone to the ceiling. l Extend your heels to the floor (B). Don’t worry if they don’t reach, focus on lengthening your legs and lifting your tailbone. l Take five to 10 deep breaths, keeping your thigh muscles strong and your head relaxed. l To exit the pose, exhale, bend your knees and come back onto all fours and then into Child’s pose (p76).
Practise drawing one heel and then the other towards the mat, stretching out your hamstrings in a walking motion.
➩ Relieves fatigue
➩ Strengthens your arms and legs
➩ Stretches your hamstrings, calves and ankles
#Downward dog splits
l From Downward dog (A), step your feet together, then inhale and lift your right leg back and up. l Draw your right leg forwards and your left hip back to keep your pelvis level. l Root yourself through the palms of your hands, draw your shoulder blades down your back and lengthen your spine to create a straight line from your head to your toe (B). l Stay here for five breaths, then exhale and lower your leg. Pause, then repeat on the other side.
➩ Tones your legs
➩ Strengthens your core
➩ Improves your balance
#Shoulder stand
l Lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor. l Exhale, engage your core and lift your hips, bringing your legs up overhead with your knees bent and hands supporting your lower back (A). l Tuck your shoulders under and bring your elbows closer together. Straighten your legs and bring them together – feel your legs working to stabilise you. l Nestle your elbows closer together and point and extend your toes (B). l Stay here for up to 20 deep breaths. l When you’re ready to come down, bend your knees, round your back and roll down slowly to the floor, using your hands to support your back. Or alternatively, lower into Plough (p65)
VARIATION l If your neck muscles feel strained, hinge at your hips and fold your legs over your face into Half shoulderstand (C). If needed you can use a folded blanket under your shoulders.
*TIP C Ifyou find it hard to
balance, practise with your feet against a wall until you feel more stable.
➩ Boosts your metabolism
➩ Improves your digestion
➩ Tones your core
➩ Strengthens your arms and legs.
l From Shoulderstand (p64), inhale deeply, and then exhale while slowly lowering your feet back over your head to the floor, tucking your toes under. Your hands should be supporting your lower back. l Rest your toes on the floor, lift your torso and nestle your shoulder blades together underneath you. l Now stretch your arms out behind you. You can interlace your fingers, if you like. l Take 10-20 breaths here, keeping your torso straight and strong and feeling a gentle stretch in your back. l When you’re ready, bring your hands in to support your back, gently lift your feet off the floor and slowly roll back down, vertebra by vertebra, until you are lying flat on the floor.
Ifyou can’t reach your feet all the way to
the floor, rest your feet against a wall or on a chair to support you, and support your back with your hands
➩ As for Shoulderstand
➩ Stretches your spine and neck
➩ Tones your abs
l Lie on your stomach, legs straight, feet hip-distance apart and your nose resting on the floor. l Put your hands beneath your shoulders, palms facing down, fingers spread. l Hug your elbows towards your body and bring your shoulder blades down your back to open your chest (A). l Press your feet, thighs and pubic bone into the floor, engaging your thighs. Inhale, and raise your head and shoulders up, lifting your torso and arching your back gently (B). Exhale. l On an inhale, continue to press your pubic bone, feet and thighs into the ground and lift your chest further forwards and upwards, keeping your neck long. l Take five breaths. l Exhale and slowly lower your body to the floor.
To help strengthen your back, try not to use your hands as you gently come up. Let themhover above the floor.
➩ Firms your bottom
➩ Tones your shoulders and chest
➩ Strengthens your back
➩ Stretches your spine and core
#Upward dog
l Begin lying face down on the floor, feet facing downwards, hands alongside your shoulders with your elbows pointing upwards (A). l Inhale, keeping your head in line with your spine, press your palms into the floor and lift your torso slightly off the floor (B). l Using your hands, feet and rising body to propel you, exhale and slide your hips forwards as you roll over your toes, so the tops of your feet are resting on the floor. l Inhale, lifting your torso up off the floor so your chest opens and points upwards, and straighten your arms. l Keep your legs active by squeezing your upper thigh muscles together to lift your knees of the floor. Rest your body’s weight on your feet and palms (C). l Roll your shoulders down and back, keeping your chest lifted. Lift your hips up towards your hands to help open your torso. Look upwards and take five long, slow breaths. l To release, exhale and roll back over your toes, lifting your hips into Downward facing dog (p62).
Press the tips ofyour feet into the floor to help lift your thighs up.
➩ Tones your bottom
➩ Strengthens your arms and shoulders ➩ Stretches your core and thighs
l Lie on your tummy with your chin resting on the floor and your arms at your sides. Take a few breaths here to ground yourself (A). l On an inhale, engage your core, draw your pubic bone into the floor and lift your right leg up, firming it and stretching it back, keeping your neck long while gazing down to keep your spine aligned (B). l Exhale to lower your leg and repeat on the other side. l Now, keeping your legs firm, press your pelvic bone into the mat and extend your tailbone towards your heels. l Inhale and, keeping your neck long, lift both thighs, head and chest away from the floor. l Stretch your hands up and back towards your feet, bringing your shoulder blades in (C).l Engage your glutes and stretch through your legs, gazing forwards. l Take five breaths and then exhale, releasing your body and limbs back down to the floor. l Make a pillow with one hand over the other and rest your head, face to one side. l Repeat three to five times.
*TIP Imagine your head and feet extending away from each other before you lift them up.
➩ Tones your bottom and legs
➩ Energises your body
➩ Strengthens your lower back
➩ Relieves stress
l Kneel on a mat with your thighs hip-width apart, and the front of your feet flat on the mat. Inhale, lengthen your spine and circle your right arm over your head to rest your right hand on your right ankle (A). Exhale. l Inhale and repeat the same move with your left hand. As you exhale, lift and open your chest and shoulders. Draw your tailbone under and your pubic bone upwards. If your neck feels comfortable, take your head back and look up (B). l Beginners, keep your neck long, chin tucked in and look forwards. l Take five to 10 deep breaths. l Exhale and release, coming gently back into a kneeling position. Then rest in Child’s pose (p76).
*TIP Ifyou’re a beginner, you can keep your toes tucked under to elevate your heels..
➩ Tones your arms and shoulders
➩ Strengthens your core
➩ Firms and stretches your thighs and hips
l Lie on your back, knees bent with your feet hip-distance apart and parallel, directly beneath your knees. Rest your arms at your sides, palms facing down (A). l Inhale, ground through your feet and, on an exhale, tilt your tailbone up and slowly peel your spine off the floor, vertebra by vertebra until your weight is on your shoulders l Keep your thighs parallel, knees hip-distance apart, and root through your feet to lift your chest. Roll your shoulders up, back and down (B). l If you like, reach your hands under your body, clasp your fingers together and edge your shoulders towards each other. l Then take five deep breaths into your abdomen.
l To exit, exhale and slowly role down your spine to rest on the floor.
*VARIATION Bridge with raised leg l Draw your right knee to your chest, then lengthen your leg, reaching your toes towards the ceiling. Take three to five deep breaths, lower, then repeat on the other side.
To help engage your thigh muscles and keep them parallel, place a brick between them.
➩ Stretches your core and back
➩ Firms your inner thighs
➩ Eases fatigue and stress
● Sit on the floor with your legs straight out in front of you. ● Inhale and bend your knees, raising your feet offthe floor, and grasp the back of your thighs. Engage your core and lean back to balance on your sitting bones (A). ● If you are comfortable here, raise your shins until they are parallel to the ground and extend your arms parallel to the floor (B). ● Exhale and, holding the back of your thighs, straighten your legs in front of you so your torso and legs create a V shape. Point your toes, draw your shoulder blades down your spine and keep your abdominals engaged. ● If you feel strong enough, let go of your thighs and hold your arms parallel to the ground (C ). ● Take five breaths and release back down to the ground. Repeat up to five times.
*Calorie burner!
From step B, exhale r your body
back towards the ground, straightening your legs out in front of you until they’re about 10cm above the ground. Hold, then bring them back to step B. Repeat this Dynamic boat 10 time.
*TIP To help you balance and support your back, engage your abdominals and keep your chest lifted and open.
➩ Deeply tones your abdominals
➩ Aids digestion
➩ Strengthens your back
#Bicycle twists
l Lie on the floor with your knees bent at right angles and fingertips touching the sides of your head. l Inhale and simultaneously bring your right knee in towards your body, and your left elbow over to meet your right knee. At the same time, stretch your left leg out in front of you, toes pointing (A). l Exhale and, twisting your torso,do the same move on the other side, bringing your right elbow to meet your left knee (B). All the while, press your lower back into the floor, drawing your navel to your spine. l Repeat each move on an inhalation and exhalation, while keeping a slow, controlled pace. l Aim for 20 repetitions (10 on each side). Then rest and repeat.
To avoid straining your neck the move should come from your core not your neck.
➩ Tones your lower and upper abs
➩ Trims your waistline
➩ Burns calories
#Fast scissors
l Lie on the floor with your palms under your hips for support. Bring your legs up straight in the air at a 90-degree angle, feet flexed towards your head. If you have back problems, keep a gentle bend in your knees. l Engaging your core and keeping your legs strong, inhale your left leg towards you until you feel a gentle hamstring stretch (A). Exhale and bring your right leg towards you while lowering your left leg back about halfway beyond the vertical line (B). l Continue alternating your legs in time with your breath, upping the pace as if you’re walking fast on the ceiling. Keep your lower back on the floor. l Continue for one minute, then rest.
*Add a challenge!
To work your core more, perform this move with your legs lower towards the ground. Engage your core, raise your back, extend your arms out in front of you, parallel to your legs, palms up and look ahead.
Ifyour back is lifting from the ground, keep your legs
closer to your chest or bend your knees.
➩ Tones your lower abs
➩ Stretches your hamstrings
➩ Strengthens your thighs
➩ Burns calories
#Easy cross-legged pose
l Sit down on the floor and cross your legs in front of you. If your back rounds or feels strained, sit on a block or cushion. l Place each foot under the opposite knee, keeping a gap between your feet and your pelvis. l Extend your tailbone down towards the floor and lengthen your spine upwards, keeping your shoulders down. l Rest your hands on your knees or in your lap, palms facing upwards. l Sit for 10 breaths or longer.
➩ Eases stress
➩ Calms your mind
➩ Strengthens and tones your back
Prop: Block or cushion (optional)
*TIP Imagine you’re being pulled gently
upwards through the crown of your head
#Hero pose
l Sit on your heels, with your knees together. Relax the top of your thighs. l Lift up out of your waist, lengthening the back of your neck and extending through the crown of your head. l Bring your hands together into Prayer, rolling your shoulders back and down to open up your chest. l Focus your attention inwards and take 10 deep breaths. l To come out of the pose, exhale and place your hands beside your legs, lean onto one hip and extend the opposite leg to come into Staff pose (p77).
➩ Aids your digestion
➩ Stretches your thighs
➩ Balances your mind
For an added arm stretch, interlace your fingers and extend your arms up over your head.
#Extended Child’s pose
l Start in a kneeling position. Draw your knees apart and bring your big toes together, heels wide apart. Sit back onto the soles of your feet. l Resting your palms on your thighs, inhale and root through your sitting bones, lengthening your spine. Exhale and slowly walk your hands forwards, as you lower your torso between your thighs. l Take your hands forwards, shoulderwidth apart, palms facing down, fingers spread and middle fingers pointing forwards. Root your hands into the floor, keeping your elbows off the floor and slide your shoulder blades down your back. l Exhale and lower your head to rest your forehead on the floor. Gently close your eyes (A). l Breathe deeply into the back of your ribs, sinking into the mat on each exhale. Extend through to your fingertips and reach your tailbone back to your heels. l When you’re ready to come out, exhale and use your hands to bring you up to a sitting position. Pause for a moment to absorb the benefits.
Child’s pose (B) For a restful back stretch, once your body is resting forwards on the floor, take your hands back beside your hips, palms facing upwards. Sink into the floor. To make it more relaxing, rest on one side, drawing your shoulders away from your ears.
*Pros-bloster or block
➩ Relieves stress
➩ Calms your mind
➩ Rests your body
TIP If You struggle to get your
forehead to the floor, rest it on a bolster or block instead.
l Sit on the floor with your torso straight and your legs together, stretched out in front of you with your feet flexed so your toes point upwards. l Sit towards the front of your sitting bones to help your spine stay straight. l Press the backs of your thighs into the floor and rotate your thighs slightly inwards towards each other so your legs stay active, with your knees facing upwards. l Place your hands down by your hips, rooting them into the floor and keeping your shoulders down and relaxed. l Look straight ahead and draw your chin in slightly, to keep your neck long. l Flex your feet, pushing your heels forwards. l Inhale and lengthen through your spine, lifting your torso up out of your pelvis. Imagine being stretched upwards through the crown of your head. Exhale. l Take five to 10 breaths here.
Prop: Blanket or block (optional)
Ifyou find it hard sitting in this pose or
your back tires, sit with a blanket or block under your buttocks or sit against a wall.
➩ Improves your posture
➩ Tones your arms and thighs
➩ Stretches your back and chest
➩ Focuses your mind
# Sitting forward fold A B
l Begin by sitting in Staff pose (p77) (A). Inhale and raise your arms over your head, contracting your abdominals. l Exhale and fold your torso forwards from your hips, extending your spine and keeping your head and spine aligned. l Keeping your chest open and your shoulders down, take hold of your toes or the sides of your feet or ankles (B). l Look ahead to your toes. If you’re holding your toes, bend your elbows to your sides and let your body sink into your legs, resting your head down (C). l Take five to 10 breaths here. With each inhalation, lift and lengthen your torso and with each exhalation, release further into the stretch.
C Prop: Blanket (optional)
Ifyour legs are tight, roll up a blanket and
put it under your knees, keeping them slightly bent.
➩ Eases stress
➩ Stretches your spine and hamstrings
➩ Relieves fatigue
#Sitting wide-leg forward bend
l Sit with your legs in a V-shape. Adjust the flesh under your bottom so you feel your sitting bones on the floor and your spine is upright (A). l Inhale and take your arms over your head, keeping your shoulders down. Keep rooting through your pelvis and lengthening your spine upwards. l Exhale and tilt forwards from your hips (not from your waist), keeping your spine straight and your knees facing up. l Place your hands flat on the floor in front of you, shoulder-width apart. Keep your neck long and your chin tucked in slightly (B). l Flex your feet, toes pointing up and heels forwards, engage your thigh muscles and root to the floor to help release into the stretch (C). l Take five to 10 breaths here.
Prop: Blanket (optional)
➩ Deeply relaxing
➩ Stretches your inner thighs and lower back
➩ Tones your legs
*TIP Ifyour back is rounding,
sit on a blanket to help tilt your pelvis forwards.
l Sit on the floor with your weight evenly distributed between your sitting bones. Bend your knees and bring the soles of your feet together, letting your knees fall out to the side like a butterfly. l Inhale and hod your feet or ankles. Lengthen through the crown of your head to straighten your spine (A). l Take five to 10 breaths or hold for up to five minutes.
side view
*Relax! For a more restorative pose, rest your head on a bolster.
Slide your feet forwards to make a diamond shape with your legs. l Grasp your feet with your hands and fold forwards, letting your weight come onto the front of your sitting bones as your spine falls forwards. l Let your neck release and your forehead drop towards your hands (B). Rest for a while here then, as your muscles release, sink a little deeper into the pose. l Spend a few minutes here, then inhale and engage your core to come back up to sitting. Slowly stretch your legs in front of you and lean back on your hands, gently arching your back as a counter pose to the forward bend.
Props:Two blocks (optional) Bolster (optional)
*TIP Ifyour hips are tight, place a block under each knee.
➩ Releases tension in your spine
➩ Opens your hips
➩ Calms your brain
#Side twist
l Sit on the floor in Staff pose (p77) with your legs out in front of you (A). l Bend your knees and place your feet flat on the floor. l Step your right foot over your left leg and place it on the floor outside your left hip with your right knee pointing up to the ceiling. l Bring your left leg round to the outside of your right hip. Lie your left leg outside your right thigh with your left foot relaxing on its side. l Exhale and twist your torso towards the inside of your right thigh. Press your right hand down on the floor behind your right buttock and bring your left arm around the outside of your right leg, resting your left hand on your right knee. l Gently pull your right thigh towards your torso and press your right foot into the ground, lengthening your body. Turn your head to look over your right shoulder, feeling a gentle stretch (B). l Breathe evenly and, with every exhalation, deepen the stretch. l Remain in the twist for 30 seconds or more, then exhale to release and come back to Staff pose. l Repeat on the other side.
Ifyou’re flexible, bring your upper left arm to the outside ofyour upper right th
➩ Increases the flexibility of your spine ➩ Detoxes your internal organs
➩ Stimulates your digestion
➩ Tones your waist
#knee to chest
l Lie flat on your back. l Exhale and bend your knees towards your chest, legs together. l Hold your shins with your hands, just below your knees and hug them into your chest. l Inhale and open up your back, allowing your legs to move slightly away from your chest. l Exhale and hug your knees closer to your chest. l Take 10-20 breaths. On each exhale, let your body move deeper into the stretch.
➩ Stretches your hamstrings and inner thighs
➩ Triggers deep relaxation
➩ Aids sleep
For a relaxing lower-back
massage, gently rock from side to side while in this pose.
Ifyour lower back lifts offthe ground, bend your right knee
and place your foot flat on the floor.
#Reclining twist
l Lie on your back, knees bent into your chest (A). l Take both bent legs over to your right, stacking your knees and feet over each other. If needed, you can place your right hand on your left leg to encourage it to the floor. l Straighten your arms and take them out to the sides, no higher than shoulder height. Look to your left, feeling the stretch through your hips and waist as you take 10 deep breaths (B). l Release and switch sides.
*Stretch your waist!
For an alternative stretch, start with your knees bent and
feet on the floor, hip-width apart under your knees. Drop your knees to the right and head to the left, relaxing your feet on their sides. Repeat on the other side.
*TIP On each exhale, consciously
allow your body to relax into the stretch.
➩ Deeply relaxing
➩ Beats stress
➩ Stretches your waist
➩ Releases your spine and lower back
#hand-to-toe sequence Reclining
➩ Stretches your hamstrings and inner thighs
➩ Triggers deep relaxation
➩ Aids sleep
l Lie on the floor. Bend your left knee and hug it into your chest with your arms (A). l Inhale and straighten your left leg, holding your big toe with your left fingers (B). If you can’t reach, take hold of your shin. l Make sure your shoulders are down and relaxed. l Root your right leg to the floor with your knee facing upwards, toes pointing up and heel flexing forwards.
l Now, externally rotate your leg so your toes point out to the side. Slowly lower your leg to your left side as far as is comfortable, while keeping your right leg flat (C). l Keep your right hip down, using your right hand to aid it if necessary. l Take five breaths here. Then, bring your left leg back to the centre and gently release. Repeat on the other side. l Do the sequence again on both sides.
Ifyour lower back
lifts offthe ground,bend your right knee
and place your foot flat on the floor.
#Happy baby
l Lie down on your back. Take a deep breath and, as you exhale, let go of any tension in your body. l Bend your knees, take hold of your big toes and slowly release your knees down towards your armpits. l Now, flex your ankles and bring your calves to vertical, feeling the stretch in your inner and outer thighs and the release in your lower back. l Keeping your chin tucked in and your neck long, draw your shoulders down your back to lengthen your spine. l Take 10 deep breaths here. Then rock gently from side to side to massage your back. l On an exhale, release your feet back down to the floor.
➩ Releases stress and tension
➩ Opens your inner and outer thighs
*Make it easier!
If you can't hold your feet, hold onto a belt looped over each sole. As your flexibility increases ‘walk’ your hands up the strap until you don’t need it.
Ifyou can’t hold your feet with your hands, hold your calves instead.
#Supported leg lift
l Lie flat on your back with your arms relaxed alongside your body, palms facing upwards. l Bend your knees and lift your hips to place a brick under your lower back. l Inhale and lift your legs, keeping your knees bent in towards your chest. l Sway your body from side to side on the brick to massage your lower back and adrenal glands (at the top of your kindneys). Let your body relax here for several breaths. l Inhale and take your legs straight up to the ceiling so your body is at a right angle. Take several more breaths here. l To come down, bend and lower your legs until your feet touch the floor. Gently lift your hips and remove the brick. Rest for a few seconds flat on the floor and then roll to your right side and slowly come back to sitting.
➩ Relaxes your entire body
➩ Boosts your circulation
➩ Refreshes your body and mind
➩ Reduces stress
TIP Add to the stress-busting benefits by following with Reclining twist (p83).
Prop: Brick
l Lie on the floor with your legs out in front of you, feet a little more than hip-distance apart. l Allow your feet to roll out to the sides and nestle your lower back into the floor. Relax your arms down by your sides with your palms turned upwards. Gently close your eyes. l Breathe softly into your belly and, on each exhalation, allow your body to sink further into the floor, feeling your muscles melting into your bones and any stress falling away. l Relax your belly, let your legs and arms go heavy, release your neck and shoulders and soften your jaw. Now, let your eyelids go heavy and feel your eyes sink into your head. l Rest here for five to 10 minutes, breathing gently and letting your thoughts slip away. l Once you’re ready, slowly start to move your body, wriggling your fingers and toes and turning your head from side to side. l Slowly bring your arms overhead onto the floor behind you and gently stretch your body from your feet to your fingertips. l Slowly bring your knees to your chest, wrap your arms around them and rock from side to side, to massage your back and bring your body back to life. l Roll over to your right side and rest here for a moment, then use your hands to help you come up to sitting.
➩ Deeply relaxing for your body and mind
➩ Reduces stress and fatigue
Your body temperature can fall during this pose, so keep a blanket n
#Restorative child’s pose
l Kneel on the floor, with your knees apart and the tops ofyour feet on the floor. l Place a bolster lengthways between your knees. l Exhale and move your torso forwards so it rests over the bolster, and turn your head to one side, raising it on a blanket if that feels more comfortable. l Relax your arms out in front of you, drawing your shoulders away from your ears to create space around your neck. l Relax your head and neck and feel your torso sink down into the bolster. l Breathe slowly and deeply for on to five minutes, breathing into your back ribs. l On each exhalation let your entire body relax. l Rest here for up to five minutes, turning your head to face the other direction half way through.
Bolster or two thick pillows Blanket (optional)
➩ Stretches your lower back
➩ Opens your hips
➩ Allows you to relax deeply
➩ Calms stress
Feeling bloated? This move is great for relieving gas.
#Legs up the wall
l Place a bolster or blanket one or two inches away from a wall. l Lie on the edge of the bolster or blanket in a foetal position, the bottom of your buttocks against the wall. l Slowly roll onto your back so you’re lying in the middle of the bolster, your lower back resting on it with your legs and hips against the wall. l Exhale and rest the backs of your legs against the wall, arms out to your sides, palms facing up. l Stay in the pose for 20 breaths or up to 15 minutes. With every exhalation, feel your body sink deeper into the floor. l To release, bend your knees, turn over and rest on your blanket or bolster for a moment before sitting up.
Bolster, blanket or two thick pillows
➩ Reduces fatigue
➩ Improves your digestion
➩ Quietens your mind
➩ Improves your circulation
#Relaxation pose
l From Corpse (p87), place a bolster crosswise under your knees and a folded blanket under your head to support your neck. l Take your arms down by your sides, palms facing up, and bring your chin slightly lower than your forehead, to calm your mind. l Breathing softly and deeply, tune into your body and register any discomfort or tension. Then, on an exhale, let your body release, sinking down into the mat. Mindfully scan your body, releasing each part in turn, from your feet to your shoulders and head. l Relax your face and release your lower jaw. Let your eyeballs go heavy, feeling your eyes sinking into your head. l Let your mind become still and rest here for up to 20 minutes. l Once ready, tune back into your breath, then start to gently move your body, rotating your ankles and wrists and stretching your limbs. Bring the soles of your feet onto the bolster and roll over to your right-hand side. Rest here for a moment, then use your hands to gently come up to sitting.
Bolster or two thick pillows Blanket
Eye bag (optional)
➩ Releases tension
➩ Improves your sleep
➩ Lowers your blood pressure
For deeper relaxation, cover your eyes with an eye bag and your body
with a blanket.
#Mountain brook
l Fold one blanket into a roll and one or two more into a rectangular shape. l Lie down on your back, placing the rolled blanket under your neck as a support, and the rectangular strip under your upper back to open your chest (not pictured). Slip a bolster under your knees. l Make sure you’re comfortable, adjusting the props and your position as needed. Your head should be slightly tilting back with your neck supported and chest open. l Move your arms away from your body, palms facing upwards, and close your eyes, placing an eye bag over them if you wish. l Let your breath settle and, on each exhale, allow any tension to ease away. l Feel your body sinking into the mat as you let go and relax. l Rest here for three to five minutes, then remove your eye bag if you’re using one, gently stretch your body, roll onto your side and come up to sitting.
➩ Opens your shoulders and chest
➩ Aids your breathing
➩ Reduces fatigue
➩ Lifts your mood
Several blankets Bolster
Eye bag (optional)
Breathe naturally and focus on relaxation.